Dear reader,
The analytics of this blog constistenly show approximately 50 readers per month, which is stimulating. Thank you all for your feedback & valuable contributions.
I need more insights via one last small survey: Practices When Managing Innovative Suppliers.
The first survey and two roundtable discussions give industry insights from over 120 NZ organisations. It identified a number of procurement best practices. This is helpful for the industry and researchers alike. I am still working on analysing the results, see the previous blogs for some of the results.
You might also check a recent posting onthe BravoSolution blog on supplier enabled innovations in larger US corporations. Although my first survey showed that smaller organisations behave differently from larger organisations, readers could use some of the findings from the US blog.
I now want to validate when the industry uses a particular best practice.
Hence please complete this brief survey (4 main questions). Practices When Managing Innovative Suppliers.
Again two people will receive a copy of the Business Model Generation handbook.
All respondents receive a copy of the survey results.
(BTW: I have finally changed the title of my blog. Entrepreneurial companies and green-tech innovations are still an important part of my research, but for a long time the research focus has been broader.)
Best regards,
Anne Staal